Friday, October 1, 2010

It's not a sacrifice, it's love.

There is this woman. She doesn't need much. She doesn't stick out by her clothes or drive that new white SUV. She doesn't need it. She becomes what she needs to for her family. Her heart is at home. Her worth is at home. She refuses to let strangers raise her kids. She teaches them. She's there. With them. Waiting for the next opportunity to infuse wisdom. Her children can depend on her. They know they matter. Her actions prove it. It's not a sacrifice, it's love. It's a joy. Her payment is peace, no guilt. She's confident. She's strong. She's not looking for the next opportunity to get "alone" time. She has inner strength. She's a warrior. She's a watchmen of her home. She's ready to defuse any outside influence that could cause harm. She understands her importance. No one can take her place. Her children need her, even when they don't say it. She's wise. She doesn't complain. She's in control. She loves her husband. Her children are secure. Her husband has full confidence in her. She is a crown to him. He wears her love proudly. She is not concerned with earthly admiration, but fears God. She is home. She is thriving. She is alive. She is free. It's not a sacrifice, it's love.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this post Tarin. In fact, it brought me to tears. You have taught me more than you know and we are so alike. I love you.

